Embracing a New Chapter: Empowerment and Faith for Divorced Christian Women

Hello, beautiful souls!
If this is your first time reading my blog: Welcome to ShazJones.com.

If you’re a divorced Christian woman seeking solace, strength, and spiritual rejuvenation, you’ll find it in today’s post. Here, we understand that life doesn’t end with divorce; it’s a new chapter filled with opportunities for growth, self-discovery, and deeper faith.

Today, I want to share some insights and encouragement to help you navigate this journey with grace and confidence.

Finding Strength in Your Faith

One of the most powerful resources we have as Christian women is our faith. During times of emotional upheaval, turning to God can provide the comfort and guidance we need. The Psalmist reminds us:

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Let this verse be a reminder that you are never alone in your struggles.

Rediscovering Your Identity

Divorce can sometimes lead to an identity crisis, but remember that your worth is not defined by your marital status. I remember walking into a new church the week after my separation and they asked me what my name was and I panicked! Such a simple, normal question, but my mind was racing: What is my last name? Am I still allowed to use his last name? Do I even want to use his last name?! Remember, you are a beloved daughter of God, fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14). This is a time to rediscover who you are in Christ and to embrace your unique gifts and passions.

Building a Support System

Navigating life after divorce can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone – even if you feel like being alone sometimes. Surround yourself with a supportive community—friends, family, and church groups that uplift and encourage you. Engaging with others who share your faith and values can provide a sense of belonging and understanding…. but I know sometimes it doesn’t. I get messages all the time from readers telling me how much my book “Thou Shalt Divorce” encouraged them when others had criticised, judged and rejected them. Find your people.

Embracing Self-Care

It’s essential to prioritize self-care during this time. Take care of your physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Whether it’s through prayer, journaling, exercise, or pursuing hobbies, find activities that bring you joy and peace. For me, I went to the movies more. I found a strange comfort in sitting in a dark room full of strangers.

If you had a friend who was crying all the time because her heart was broken you wouldn’t make her eat brocolli and do burpees. Don’t beat yourself up about what you’re not doing. Do what you can, when you can, and be your own friend.

Remember, self-care is not selfish, it’s self-love; and it’s necessary for healing and growth. Jesus told you to love your neighbours “as you love yourself”. Love yourself healthy again.

Reimagining Your Future

Divorce is not the end of your story; it’s a new beginning. You’ll probably find new energy to reimagine your future and set new goals. What dreams have you put on hold? What passions have you yet to explore? God has a purpose for you, and this season of your life can be filled with unexpected blessings and opportunities. My ex-husband hated America, but I love it. In the 15 years we were together I didn’t get to go to the states once. But within a year of our separation I was back in the land of the free and the home of the brave! And I’ve been back multiple times since. Capture a new chapter of your story. Embrace new journeys.

A Prayer for the Journey

Heavenly Father, we come before You with open hearts, seeking Your guidance and peace. Please comfort those who are hurting and grant them the strength to embrace this new chapter with courage and hope. Help them to rediscover their identity in You and to trust in Your plan for their lives. Surround them with love and support, and lead them to a future filled with Your blessings. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

P.S. You can listen to a free audio sample of “Thou Shalt Divorce” on Amazon – including bible verses like Jeremiah 3:8 when God reluctantly decided to divorce his partner due to their sin. (Note, God, who cannot sin, does not call the divorce a sin. The divorce is a solution to the sin in the situation). Ignore the 1 star review by my ex-husband lol.

Published by shazjones

My first "$10K in a Day" online was way back in 1996. My first $1,000,000 in online sales was in 1998. I published the first book to a mobile device (global first) and published the first education results on the Internet (Australian first). I thrive in environments like tech and media where the dress code doesn't matter but delivery deadlines do. I find it hard not to share good news, especially on social media. I like thinking, writing, teaching and publishing. I like travelling to new places, meeting new people and trying new experiences. I consult with leaders who want to create a new normal. I create innovative strategies and technologies to increase outcomes while decreasing inputs. Yes, I believe in miracles. I've been coding online since 1994. Change to me is what normal is to others. I like celebrating unnormal results, especially firsts. #NormalIsNotOK